Check out this collection of 8 of the most interesting university press blog posts for this month. We aim to keep you informed, engaged, and part of the ongoing scholarly conversations
1. The digital arms race: Can viral videos inhibit police brutality?

This year has demonstrated the potential power of technology, with the video of the tragic death of George Floyd sparking global outrage and huge protests across the world. Ronald Niezen’s timely article discusses the digital arms race which has emerged between activists and surveillance carried out by law enforcement. Read it here. (Stanford University Press)
2. Critical approaches to teaching health and human rights in a pandemic
As COVID-19 has swept across the globe, it has brought with it questions about the connections between power, privilege and health. Alicia Ely Yamin asks a pertinent question: when does misfortune become injustice? (Stanford University Press)
3. 8 brilliant UK bookshops – as chosen by our authors
Following the forced closure of all bookshops across the United Kingdom and the country entered a month-long lockdown, we thought it would be important to highlight this list of fantastic British bookshops collated by authors from Yale University Press. If you’re based in the UK, don’t forget to continue to support your local store during this difficult time! (Yale University Press)
4. Public spending: Picking up the pieces post COVID
In this guest post, Ludger Schuknecht discusses how in advanced countries the COVID-19 crisis puts the spotlight on public spending and the role of the state. His post asks and answers important questions about government spending and the impact on the future. Read it here. (Cambridge University Press)
5. Top 10 tips to help your online lessons run smoothly!

2020 has, without a doubt, been a year of digital acceleration. Online teaching has arrived, and in many places may be here to stay (at least to some degree). Oxford University Press have spoke to a number of teachers around the world and collated the top ten tips to help online lessons run smoothly. (Oxford University Press)
6. Global Schools Festival: Teaching towards a sustainable future
Cambridge University Presses Global Schools Festival is running between the 24th-26th November. In this blog post Lauren Pitts discusses how sustainability will be a key theme throughout the event. Read it here to find out more, and about how you can register to attend the event. (Cambridge University Press)
7. Celebrating NAIDOC week
In Australia, the 8th-15th November 2020 marks NAIDOC week: a celebration of the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The Australian National University Press demonstrate the work they do to provide a platform for emerging and established Indigenous scholars and historians – find out more. (Australian National University Press)
8. Science writing in a time of crisis

This post is part of a blog series to highlight University Press Week, and this years theme of ‘Raise UP’. In this piece, Mireille F. Ghoussoub highlights why, in a world facing climate change and a global pandemic, the need for honest and effective science communication has never been greater. Read it here. (University of Toronto Press)