Category: Guest Post

The Fuzzy Edges of Contemporary Theater

  Theater has always been mercurial if not chimeric, a hybrid of art forms. It is unstable and pliable by definition, since its realization relies on a multiplicity of collaborators under unstable, often tenuous conditions. The result is invariably a…

A Fibrous Weave of Literary Scholarship

This is a guest post by Jeffrey C. Robinson. Author of Poetic Innovation in Wordsworth 1825–1833: Fibres of These Thoughts, out on Anthem Press this month.  In the 1980s I first gained sympathy for the poetry of the “late” Wordsworth while helping to…

Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction

This is a guest post by Michael Peter Bolus, Ph.D. Author of Aesthetics and the Cinematic Narrative: An Introduction, out on Anthem Press this month.  The welcome and entertaining distraction that defines most movie-going experiences has become the default expectation for…

The Post-Truth About Fake News

This is a guest post by Anthem Press author Steve Fuller, University of Warwick. His new book, Post-Truth: Knowledge As A Power Game, is now available. Steve recently spoke to the BBC. Check out his interview here: — In Post-Truth: Knowledge as a…

Middlebrow – Feelings and Fury

This is a guest post by Faye Hammill, University of Glasgow. She is an editorial board member for Anthem Studies in Book History, Publishing and Print Culture.   What does “middlebrow” mean? Is it a label for a particular kind of…

Consensus Building in the Age of Trump

This is a guest post by Professor Lawrence Susskind, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA and General Editor, Anthem Press Environment and Sustainability Programme What’s special about the Age of Trump? I would point to two things. First, our political leaders (not…

Here’s How to Help Manage Local Climate Change Risks

This is a guest post by Professor Lawrence Susskind, Director of the MIT Science Impact Collaborative, the Director of the MIT-UTM Malaysia Sustainable Cities Program (MSCP) and co-director of the Water Diplomacy Workshop. We’ve spent far too much time thinking…

Security and Anxiety in News Consumption

It was a humid Monday evening in early June 2009 when I visited my informant Amparo at her home in Park 7. It was my first time visiting her house, as our previous chats were held in the more easily…

The Ruskin–Morris Connection

  In late nineteenth-century Britain, theorist and critic John Ruskin and the designer, writer and activist William Morris began pioneering new approaches to design and the decorative arts. But what sort of relationship did they have and how did their…