Category: Author Interviews

Setting the Record Straight

Dubai-based Art Historian Maie El-Hage speaks to Sophie Kazan Makhlouf about her forthcoming book, The Development of An Art History in the UAE: An Art Not Made To Be Understood. ME-H: Though I know you have been writing articles and…

The Urge to Illustrate Shakespeare

This is an interview by Jean-Louis CLARET, author of Picturing Shakespeare Q1. What urges you to illustrate Shakespeare? It is difficult to determine this precisely, but I feel that I need to show, with shapes and colours, parts of my…

On Robinson Jeffers: The Poetry and Philosophy of Inhumanism

This is an interview by Matthew Calarco, author of How Not to Be Human: The Inhumanist Philosophy of Robinson Jeffers 1.Who is Robinson Jeffers, and how did you first become interested in his poetry? Robinson Jeffers (1887–1962) is a poet…

Entering an Immersive World of News

This is an interview by John V. Pavlik, author of Journalism and the Metaverse Q1. What exactly is the Metaverse? Answer: There is no single, agreed-upon definition of the Metaverse. Nor is there agreement about how it will be designed…

Reflections on Subaltern Narratives in Fiji Hindi Literature by way of an imagined interview by Vijay Mishra

1.Why this book? Only 400,000 people worldwide speak Fiji Hindi. Of that number, less than half read the Devanagari (Sanskrit) script in which this language is written. There was then a challenge: How to expose this language to a wider…

Melodrama, Masculinity and International Art Cinema

1 . What inspired you to write this book at this point in your research, which has covered a lot of ground from Thomas More and William Shakespeare to Jane Campion and the film adaptations of Māori writers such as…